Underground Single Boom Jumbo1
Mining Man Camp for Remote locations full service1
Nitrogen Generator with Compressors1
Pipe (arm) handler for RC Core or Conventional drill rods1
Sheave Wheels, Bull Gear, Drive gear hoist1
Undergroud Loader, LHD, Scoop tram1
Underground Coal Forklift Shield Handler 30 ton capacity1
Underground Core Drilling Machine1
Underground Loaders, LHD, Scoop Tram1
Underground Scoop Tram Loader1
Underground Ventilation Fan 150 HP1
Core Drills; Drilling Equipment; Mining Equipment1
Core Drills; Drills; Drilling Equipment; Mining Equipment3
Diamond Drill, Skid mounted, flyable1
We have one of two Sandvik Secoma Single Boom Jumbos to remove from our small mining operation. ...