Hagby Sweden Onram Onram Hagby 1000

Hagby Sweden Onram Onram Hagby 1000

$75,000 (USD)




Onram 1000 Manufactured by Hagby Sweden

This is an older machine but in great shape and was recently drilling. Owners have shut the mine down for the time being, therefore creating an opportunity to sell this diamond drill.

NQ Head for 10' rods, with single chain drive

60 HP Electric motor 208-230 volts / 460 Volts

50 or 60 Hz

Complete with switch gear and quick disconnects

Hydraulic tilt cylinders

Control Stand with all quick disconnect hydraulics

Hydraulic Foot Clamp


Diesel 35 GPM water mud pump @ 1000 PSI

Kubota 29 HP diesel motor Tier 4

Second water pump with Gas Engine


ManufacturerHagby Sweden Onram
ModelOnram Hagby 1000
Serial Number525
Stock NumberHB25044